Sunday, October 31, 2010

Scribe 6 Questions 24 and 27

Question 24:

A) What are the next three triangular numbers?

-The next three triangular numbers are 10, 15 and 21. In the first triangle pattern, the number of triangles was 1. The second pattern the number of triangles was 3. It went up by 2. The next triangle pattern had 6 triangles in it, and it went up by 3 from the last pattern. I could only assume that the number of triangles went up one more than what it did last time, so 6+4=10. Then, 10+5=15, and so on.

B) Add together any two consecutive triangle numbers. What do you notice about the sums?

-They are all perfect squares. Example: 3+6=9. The square root of 9 is 3. 1+3=4. The square root of 4 is 2.

Question 27:

Determine the square root of each number:

-Square root of 6400=80. Square root of 640 000=800. Square root of 64 000 000=8000.

B) Describe a quick method for determining mentally the square root of each number in part a).

-If the square root of 6400=80, 640 000 has 2 more 0's than 6400. So you add another 0 to the square root answer. For 64 000 000, add another 0. Basically, add one more 0 to the square root for ever 2 0's in the number.

C) Explain why this method does not work for evaluating the square root of 640

-It doesn't work because 640 is not a perfect square.

D) Use your method in part b) to evaluate the square root of 640 000 000 000. Explain how you determined the answer.

-640 000 000 000 has 10 0's. 10/2=5. So, the square root of 640 000 000 000 is 8 with 5 0's, or 800000.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Scribe 3 Show You Know Page 84 Page 85 Questions 3,7,12,14

Show You Know, Page 84.
Determine the side length of a square with an area of 196cm².

||7 x 2 |x| 7 x 2

The side length is 14cm.

Page 85 Questions 3,7,12 and 14.

Question 3:
The factors of 36 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 36. Use words and/or diagrams to explain how you know which factor is the square root of 36.

3 x 2 X 3 x 2

The square root of 36 is 6.

Question 7:
Write the prime factorization of each number. Identify the perfect squares.

||||7 |||x||| 6
This is not a perfect square.

||||||13 |x| 13
This is a perfect square.

2x2 x 2x2 x 2x2 x 2x2
This is a perfect square.

Question 12:
Determine the square of each number.



Question 14:
Determine the side length of a square with an area of 900cm²


Question 17:
A fridge magnet has an area of 54mm². Is 54 a perfect square? Use prime factorization to find the answer.

3 x 3|x|3|||x|||2

It is not a perfect square.

Duyen's Scribe 5 Page 86 Questions 18, 20, 22

Question 18:

Square have equal sides, so side x side= area. 14x14=196 or 14 squared equals 196.

Question 20:
a)Length x Width= Area, 9m x 4m= 36m squared

b)Length of side length= 6 because area of rectangle and square are equal. So what number squared gets 36? That's right 6 squared.

Question 22:
a)630m by 630m, 630 squared equals 396 600m squared

b)395 641m squared because 629 squared equals 395 641

c)622 squared (equals 386 884), 623 squared (equals 388 129), 624 squared (equals 389 376), 625 squared (equals 390 625), 626 squared (equals 391 876), 627 squared (equals 393 129)

Enjoy this fun video about squared numbers and here's a link to explore squared numbers!!

Scribe 1

Show You Know

Write the prime factorization of each number. Which number is not a perfect square explain how you know.



Textbook Pages ( questions 1, 5, 10, 16 )


Explain how to square the number 7

To square a number 7 you would multiply it by itself or digit. 7x7= 49

a) Determine the prime factorization of 4
b) Is 4 a perfect square
c) Draw the square and label it's side length

Determine the area of a square with each side length

A) 20
400 square units


289 squared units

Determine the value




Here are two links that will help you on square roots and prime factorization.

A video on square roots.

A video on prime factorization.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Scribe Post 4

Page 86 Questions 17 and 19 and 21

17. A fridge magnet has an area of 54 mm2. Is 54 a perfect square? Use prime factorization to find the answer.

54 is not a perfect square because the equation is not equal on both sides.

19. The gym teacher told the students to run twice around the perimeter of the school field. The area of the square field is 28 900 m2. What distance did the students run?

the square root of 28900 is 170
The students ran 170m.

21. Kate is going to put a patio in her backyard. The patio stones she is using each have an area of 1 m2. She has created th
e rectangular design shown.

a) What is the area of the patio?
A=l x w

A=14 x 4

b) What are the di
mensions of another rectangular patio she could build
with the same area?

56- 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 14, 28, 56
-1 and 56
-2 and 28
-4 and 14
-7 and 8

c) Kate decides to make a patio with the same area but she wants it to be a square with whole number side lengths. Is this possible? Explain your reasoning.
No, it is not possible because 56 is not a square number, therefore it is not a perfect square.

John's Sesame Street Video Post


Two Term Ratio

- compares two quantities measured in the same units.
ex. X:Z, 1:2, 2 to 1

Three Term Ratio

- compares three quantities measured in the same unit.
ex. X:Z:Y, 1:2:3, 2 to 1 to 3


- compares two quantities measured in different units.
ex.(Shopping) $ 0.98/1 gas

Unit Rate
- a rate in which the second term is one.
ex. 20Km/h

Unit Price
a unit rate used when shopping.
ex. $9.00/grams

Proportional Reasoning


- a relationship that says that two ratios or two rates are equal.
ex. 3Km/2h = 12Km/8h

Shane's Sesame Street Video Post

Group members: Kim C., Kayla S., and Shane A.

Part 1:

two-term ratio- compares two quantities (things) measured in the same units.
three-term ratio- compares three quantities measured in the same units.
part to part ratio- compares different parts of a group to each other.
part to whole ratio- compares one part of a group to the whole group.
Example: apples to bananas, 7:20, red squares to total squares, 6:12

Raterate- compares two quantities in different units.
unit rate- a rate in which the second term is one.
unit price- a unit rate used when shopping.
Example: a person's heart can beat 64 beats/minute or a car can move 20 km/hr.


proportion- a relationship that says that two ratios or two rates are equal.
Example: you can use proportion to find out what a dozen erasers cost if three erasers cost $0.75. 2/3 = 6/9

Ysabelle's Sesame Street Video post

Group Members
Jam D
Ysabelle V
Jae Anne D

Part 1

Ratio - compares quantities measured in the same units.
Two - Term Ratio - compares two quantities measured in the same units.
ex. 2:3, 7:10
Three - Term Ratio - compares three quantities measured in the same units.
ex. 2:4:7, 5:8:11

Rate - compares two quantities measured in different units.
Unit Rate - a rate in which the second term is one.
ex. 2hr/km, $1.80/pen
Unit Price - a unit rate used when shopping.
ex. $56/kg, $7/L

Proportion - a relationship that says ratio and rate are equal

Derec's math profile

Hi my name is Derec .
i really liked this multiplication table ,ratio,unit and proportion because it's fun
This year,in grade 8, I will study my Math skills to be a successful student. I will also do my homework. I will be a responsible student and do the things I have to do.i will be a hard working student right now

Jieram's Sesame Street Video Post


Two Term Ratio

- compares two quantities measured in the same units.
ex. X:Z, 1:2, 2 to 1

Three Term Ratio

- compares three quantities measured in the same unit.
ex. X:Z:Y, 1:2:3, 2 to 1 to 3


- compares two quantities measured in different units.
ex.(Shopping) $ 0.98/1 gas

Unit Rate
- a rate in which the second term is one.
ex. 20Km/h

Unit Price
a unit rate used when shopping.
ex. $9.00/grams

Proportional Reasoning


- a relationship that says that two ratios or two rates are equal.

ex. 3Km/2h = 12Km/8h

Derec's Sesame Street Video Post

Two Term Ratios

compares two quantities measured in the same units
ex. A:B, 9:18, 18 to 9

Three Term Ratios
compares the quantities measured in the same units
ex. A:B:C, 9:18:81, 81 to 18 to 9

- compares 2 quantities measured in different units

Unit Rates - a rate in which the second term is one
Unit Price - a unit rate used when shopping
ex. 3words/1h, $1/m


- A relationship that says two ratios or two rates are equal
- it can be written in fraction form
ex. use it to find cost of 15 donuts if 5 cost $0.10
5 / $0.10 = 15 / $x ; x = $o.30 ( multiply 5 by 3 and $o.10 by 3 )

John's Sesame Street Video Post


Two-Term Ratio:
-Compares different parts of a group to each other.
-Compares two quantities measured in the same units.
 Ex. A:B, 4:5, 5 to 4

Three-Term Ratio:
-Compares one part of a group to the whole gruop.
-Compares three quantitie measured in the same units.
Ex. A:B:C, 4:5:6, 6 to 5 to 4

-Compares two quantities measured in different units.
 -Unit Rate-a rate in which the second term is one.
 -Unit Price-a unit rate used when shopping.

Proportional Reasoning:
-A relationship that says that two ratio or two rates are equal
Ex. use it to find 15 chickens if 5 costs $0.10
5 / $0.10 = 15 / $x ; x= $0.30 ( multiply by 3)

Jae Anne's Sesame Streeet Video

Group Members
Jam D
Ysabelle V
Jae Anne D

Part 1

Ratio - compares quantities measured in the same units.
Two - Term Ratio - compares two quantities measured in the same units.
        ex. 2:3, 7:10
Three - Term Ratio - compares three quantities measured in the same units.
        ex. 2:4:7, 5:8:11

Rate - compares two quantities measured in different units.
Unit Rate - a rate in which the second term is one.
        ex. 2hr/km, $1.80/pen
Unit Price - a unit rate used when shopping.
        ex. $56/kg, $7/L

Proportion - a relationship that says ratio and rate are equal

Albert's Sesame Street Video Post


Two Term Ratio

- compares two quantities measured in the same units.
ex. X:Z, 1:2, 2 to 1

Three Term Ratio

- compares three quantities measured in the same unit.
ex. X:Z:Y, 1:2:3, 2 to 1 to 3


- compares two quantities measured in different units.
ex.(Shopping) $ 0.98/1 gas

Unit Rate
- a rate in which the second term is one.
ex. 20Km/h

Unit Price
a unit rate used when shopping.
ex. $9.00/grams

Proportional Reasoning


- a relationship that says that two ratios or two rates are equal.

ex. 3Km/2h = 12Km/8h

Shane's Math Profile

Hi, my name is Ann Shane but you can call me Shane. 
I take grade 8 math. If someone asked me "Do you like math?",
I would say that I liked it so much. I'm not really the strongest
student in math but I enjoy trying to figure out the answers to
problems and learning new strategies in math. One of the best
things that I've ever done in a math class was doing strategies and technics.

Im kind of new here in Sargent Park but I really enjoy studying
here. Something I could do this year to not struggle so much would
be to practice the things that I need to improve on more.

It is grade 8 now. This year I will try my best to finish all of the work
that is assigned to me. I will also try to ask more questions if I don't
understand something. I am looking forward to learn some new
strategies to solve math problems this year.

On the computer, this year I would like to be able to play some math
games to help me understand the unit more. I dont have any post before
cause im new soo yeah! I will try my best to make my post better.

Ryan B's Sesame Street Video Post

Two Term Ratios

compares two quantities measured in the same units
ex. A:B, 9:18, 18 to 9

Three Term Ratios
compares the quantities measured in the same units
ex. A:B:C, 9:18:81, 81 to 18 to 9

- compares 2 quantities measured in different units

Unit Rates - a rate in which the second term is one
Unit Price - a unit rate used when shopping
ex. 3words/1h, $1/m


- A relationship that says two ratios or two rates are equal
- it can be written in fraction form
ex. use it to find cost of 15 donuts if 5 cost $0.10
5 / $0.10 = 15 / $x ; x = $o.30 ( multiply 5 by 3 and $o.10 by 3 )

John's Math Profile

Hi my name is John. I am a math student in grade 8. My favorite subject is Math. I may not the smartest student in 8-14 but I'm the 5th hardworking student in class especially in math cause i love to use the numbers in many different ways to solve problems or questions.

In Grade 6 I really like the word problems. I remember one time the answer for the question is in the question itself. This year ill try my best to past the grade 8 Math.

Now in Grade 8. Ill try to finish all the homework and school work even if it is hard to past and advance to Grade 9.

Ysabelle's Math Profile

Hi, my name is Ysabelle. I am a Math student in grade 8. If you're gonna ask me if I like Math, I would answer- yes, a little bit. I love Math because it helps me a lot, in many ways. I'm not very good at it but I really love solving Math problems. It develops my skills and I think makes my mind sharper. The best thing I ever did in math class was when we factored polynomials when I was in first year high school(it's like grade 7 here in Canada). Factoring polynomials, for me was really fun.

In grade 7, the best unit I studied was the unit on Cartesian Planes. I still remember how to find slopes then graph them. I really liked this unit because I really had so much fun graphing and solving problems involving slopes. I really did well in this unit because it really was pretty easy. The unit that made me struggle was the unit on special products and binomial expansion. I really got confused in this unit. I had a very hard time expanding binomials. It will really take a lot of time for me to expand binomials. I really hate to expand binomials especially when they're in the seventh power or more. I also had a hard time in special products because I got confused in many things. Too many to mention. I will study very well this year so I don't have to struggle anymore.

This year,in grade 8, I will study very well and developed my Math skills to be a successful math student. I will also do my homework. I will be a responsible student and do the things I have to do. I want to learn more about Algebra this year.

Emily's Sesame Street Video Post

Group- Cookie monster video


two term Ratio- compares two quantities measured in the same units
three term Ratio- Compares three units measured in the same units
part to part Ratio- Compares different parts of a group
Part to whole Ratio- Compares one part of a group to a whole
Examples: 2:3, 2:3:4 boys:girls.


rate- Compares 2 quantities measured in different units
unit Rate- A rate in which the second term is one
unit price- A unit used when shopping
examples: 72 beats/1min 20 km/ 1h


proportion- A relationship that says that 2 ratios or 2 rates are equal
example: How much will 12 mp3 players cost if 3 cost 75$ Mp3 12
3 300$

Angelo Sesame Street Video Post

Two Term Ratios
compares two quantities measured in the same units.

EXAMPLE: A:B. 7:13. 7 to 13.

Three Term Ratios
compares three quantities measured in the same units.

EXAMPLE:A:B:C, 7:13:5, 7 to 13 to 5

Compares two quantities measured in different units.

Unit Rate
A rate in which the second term is one.

Unit Price
A unit rate used when shopping.

EXAMPLE: $5.99/100 gallons

A relationship that says two ratios or two rates are equal.

it can be written in fraction form.

EXAMPLE: use it to find cost of 15 donuts if 5 cost $0.10
5 / $0.10 = 15 / $x ; x= $0.30 ( multiply 5 by 3 and $0.10 by 3 )

Paulo's Sesame Street Video Post

Two Term Ratios

compares two quantities measured in the same units
ex. A:B, 9:18, 18 to 9

Three Term Ratios
compares the quantities measured in the same units
ex. A:B:C, 9:18:81, 81 to 18 to 9

- compares 2 quantities measured in different units

Unit Rates - a rate in which the second term is one
Unit Price - a unit rate used when shopping
ex. 3words/1h, $1/m


- A relationship that says two ratios or two rates are equal
- it can be written in fraction form
ex. use it to find cost of 15 donuts if 5 cost $0.10
5 / $0.10 = 15 / $x ; x = $o.30 ( multiply 5 by 3 and $o.10 by 3 )

Arun and Parick's Sesame Street video

Patrick - Cookie Monster
Arun - Math Monster

Compares two quantities measured in different units
Unit Rate
A rate in which the second term is one
Unit Price
A unit rate used when shopping

Example: I eat 2 cookies in 2 minutes, that means I eat 1 cookie per minute.
1 cookie/min


Two Term Ratios
Compares two quantities measured in the same units
Example: I eat 2 cookies and there are 4 in the jar. That makes it 2:4

Proportional Reasoning
A relationship that says that two ratios or two rates are equal.
Example: If I eat 1 cookie in 1 minute, then that means I eat 8 cookies in 8 minutes.

I couldn't find the video on Youtube, so here's a link of "Cookie Eats The Letter N"

Cookie Monster is trying not to eat the letter of the day.

Remake: Cookie Eats The Letter R

Chelsea's Sesame Street Video

Group Members:

Chelsea - The one who has no idea what a proportion is
Anabelle - The teacher who has to teach her what a proportion is
Trisha - Camera Person


Two-term ratio - compares 2 quantities measured in the same units
- eg. A:B, 7:13

Three-term ratio - compares 3 quantities measured in the same units
- eg. A:B:C, apples:bananas:oranges

Part to part ratio - compares different parts of a group to eachother
-eg. black tiles to red tiles: 5:13

Part to Whole Ratio - compares one part of a group to the whole group
- eg. black tiles to total tiles: 5:20

Rate - compares 2 quantities measured in different units

Unit rate - a rate in which the second term is one

Unit price - a unit rate used when shopping.
-eg. $0.50/can

Proportion - a relationship that says the two ratios or two rates are equal.
-eg. How much will 1 dozen erase cost if 3 erasers cost $0.75?
(multiply by 3)
2/3 = 6/9

Original Video : Cookie Monster in the Library

Our remake, about Proportions.

Trisha's Sesame Street Video (:

Group Members:

Trisha - Camera Girl
Anabelle - Teacher
Chelsea - Student/ Cookie Monster


Two- Term Ratio :
compares two quantities measured in the same units
Ex. A : B

Three- Term Ratios :
compares three quantities measured in the same units.
Ex. A: B: C

Part to part ratios :
compares different parts of a group to each other.

Part to whole ratios :
compares one part of a group to the whole group.

Rates : compares to quantities measured in different units.

Unit Rate - a rate in which the second term is one.

Unit Price - a a unit rate used when shopping.

Proportion - a relationship that says that two ratios or two rates are equal.
Ex. How much will 1 dozen eraser cost if 3 eraser cost $0.75?

The Original Video:
Cookie Monster in the library.

Our Video (:

Jam's Sesame Street Video Post

ratio-two term, three term ratio, part to part and part to whole.
two term-compares two quantities measured in the same units.
three term-compares three quantities measured in the same units.
two term: 2:3 three term: 2:3:4

rate- unit rate and unit price.
unit rate-a rate in which the second term is one.
unit price- a unit price is used when shopping.
unit rate- 10km/3hrs unit price- $.98/pencil

proportion- a relationship that says that two ratio or two rates are equal.
proportion can be writtn in fraction form.
sesame street

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Kevin's Sesame Street Video

Group Members :
Kevin (me) : Grover
Vincent : School boy (didn't listen to Harbeck)
Paul : Camera man and editor

Two Term Ratios
~ Compares two quantities measured in the same units
A : B , 5 : 23 , 23 to 5
Three Term Ratios
~ Compares three quantities measured in the same units
ex. A : B : C, 5 : 23 : 9, 5 to 23 to 9

~ Compares two quantities measured in different units

Unit Rate
~ A rate in which the second term is one
Unit Price
~ A unit rate used when shopping
ex. Car traveling 3km/hr, $1.00 / gram

~ A relationship that says that two rates or two ratios are equal
ex. Use a proportion to figure out cost of a dozen erasers if one costs $0.25.
1 eraser x 12 = 12 erasers, $0.25 x 12 = $3.00.

Sesame Street Video (Smell Like a Monster)

Rewrite (our version)

Glenesse's Scribe 2

Show You Know pg. 83, pg. 85 Question 2, 6, 11, 15.

Show You Know pg. 83
Determine the area of a square with a side length of 16mm.

We all know that a square has 4 equal sides so you multiply the side length of 16mm by itself.
16x16=256 mm squared
The area of the square that has a side length of 16mm is 256 mm squared.

Page 85
2)How would you use prime factorization to determine the square root of 225? Compare your answer with a classmate's.

So 225 is a perfect square.
After you compare it to your classmate's

6)A rectangle has an area of 64 m squared
a)Determine the prime factorization of 64.
b)Is 64 a perfect square? Explain.
c)Draw a square with that area and label its side length.


b) 64 is a perfect square because the prime factor is 2 and it can be divided into equal parts.

11)What is the area of a square with each side length?
a) 10
b) 16

a) 9 x 9 = 81 unit squared
b) 16 x 16 = 121 unit squared

15) Evaluate
a) 49 squared
b) 64 squared
c) 625 squared

I used a calculator for this question.
a) 49 squared = 7
b) 64 squared = 8
c) 625 squared = 25

Here is a site to help you with prime factorization.

Ivory's Math Profile

My name is Ivory and I am in grade 8 math. I like math because it is subject that doesn't use a lot of words and spelling and I personally love numbers. The best thing that I did in math was getting full marks on a test I didn't even study for.

Last year in grade 7, I liked probability and B.E.D.M.A.S. I also found that the coordinate grid was really easy as well. I would do really well on everything unless I didn't listen very well and that was mostly in the third term when I broke my leg.

This year I will work to listen harder and accually study for tests. I need to do better on the blog with comments and do a scribe post. I also need to do all my homework and stay organized.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Vincent's Sesame Street Video

Group: Kevin, Paul and myself.

Part 1:


Two-Term Ratio-Compares two quantities measured in the same units.
Example: A:B, 1:2, 1 to 2
Three-Term Ratio-Compares three quantities measured in the same units.
Example: Dogs to cats to birds, 1:2:3, 1 to 2 to 3
Part to Part Ratio-Compares different parts of a group to each other.
Example:Squares to circles, 5:40
Part to Whole Ratio-Compares one part of the group to the whole group.
Example:Black tiles to total tiles, 10:20


Compares two quantities measured in different units
Unit Rate-A rate in which the second term is one
Example:A boat travels 25 km/hour
Unit Price-A unit rate used when shopping
Example:Erasers 0.25 cents each


A relationship that says that two ratio or two rates are equal.
Example:2/4 = 4/8

Part 2:Grover Smell Like A Monster

Part 3:Listen To Harbeck

Square Number and Square Roots

Last Thursday's Lesson (:

Focus on...
Determine the square number of a whole number.
Determine the square root of a perfect square.

A Square Number is the product of the same two number.
Example : 3 x 3 = 9, so 9 is a square number

A square number is also known as a perfect square.

Perfect Squares are
1, 4, 9, 16 and etc...

Don't forget today homework!

Start a number line on the other crease on
the bottom and highlight the perfect square numbers.

Estimatating using perfect squares, prime factorization and number line

Homework from yesterday
- Estimating using perfect squares

Add Image
200- in between the perfect squares 196 and 225.
- 225 is bigger than 200 so that number won't work
- so that leaves us with 196 aka 14x14
- If 196 is 14x14 that means that 200 will be 14._x14._=200 because we know that 225 which
Is to big being 15x15 or the next highest perfect square.

37-in between perfect squares 36 and 49
- 49 is bigger than 37 so it won't work
- which leaves us with 36 aka 6x6
- so if 36 is 6x6 that means that 37 will be 6._x6._=37 because we know that 37 which
to big being 7x7 or the next highest perfect square

850- in between perfect squares 841 and 900
- 900 is bigger than 850 so it won't work
- which leaves us with 841 aka 29x29
- so if 841 is 29x29 that means that 850 will be 29._x29._=850 because we know that 900 is
to big being 30x30 or the next highest perfect square

77 - in between perfect squares 64 and 81
- 81 is bigger than 77 so it won't work
- which leaves us with 64 aka 7x7
- so if 64 is 7x7 that means that 77 will be 7._x7._=77 because we know that 81 is
to big being 8x8 or the next highest perfect square

Number Line

-Different colours for the pefect squares
-show what x what = the number your trying to get to

Im sorry my computer won't let me put pictures or vidoes.

so heres a link for a Prime Factorization video.
and another link for prime factorization which is a website which has pictures
and then here is my actual link (make sure to turn off the volume if the play the game)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Square Root

Square Root is an inverse of squaring:
The square root of 25 is SxS or what times itself has a product of 25. 5x5=25

Finding the square root using a calculator:

We also learned how to find the square root of a number. From what I've learned so far the only real way to get the square root of a number is to use your trusty old calculator. Of course, each calculator is different, so you may have to punch in a few things before you get the answer.

Let's take the number 3. I know what you're thinking, "but, it's impossible to make a square out of that!" If you remember from last class, it is possible, just a lot less simple to find. So, that's where square root comes in.

Okay then, now punch in the square root function on your calculator and you should get: 1.414213562. Well, that's not a nice number to work with, so let's just take the numbers up to the thousandths place, no rounding please. So, now we should have 1.41.
1.41 x 1.41=1.9881
Not exactly a perfect square, but it's close.

Estimating the square root using fractions:

Remember the number line we made for homework? That would come in handy right about now.

As you can see the space between the two perfect squares is divided into 3. So then we will be using 3 as the denominator for the following fractions. It won't be as exact as the calculator, but it's close.
1: 1
2: 1 1/3
3: 1 2/3
4: 1 3/3 or 2
See how that works? Remember, we won't just use 3 as the denominator. For example the next fraction should be out of 5, since the space between the 2nd perfect square and the 3rd perfect square is divided into 5.

Estimating the square root using perfect squares:

Either the number line or the chart we did would be useful for this activity.

First let's take a number like, 439, and find the square root. Now don't panic, it's a lot easier than you think.
Find on the chart 2 numbers where 439 falls between. It should be 400 and 441.
Next we look on our chart to find the square root or side lengths of both numbers, which would be, 20 and 21. This means the square root of 439 would lie between 20 and 21.
The number can't be 20 or 21 so it should be 1 of those two numbers and a decimal. But which number should be used? 20 of course! If you used 21 and a decimal it would no longer be a number in between the two.
So the answer is 20.___ You don't need the rest, this is an estimation after all.

Now that you know this the homework shouldn't be much of a problem.


Use fractions to estimate the square roots of 1-25.
Use perfect squares to estimate the square roots of 200, 37, 850, and 77.

If you're still having trouble with this, here is a site I think you should look at. This probably isn't the best site out there, so leave links to other sites in the comments section and I'll be sure to change it.
Also, here is a video. Also not the best video, so a link or two to another one would be just great.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Perfect Squares

1x1, 2x2 and 3x3 are Perfect Squares.
, and are Perfect Squares

Any number can be a square.
Example: 20
You have to find out the square root of 20.
You can use your calculator and punch in √(square root) 20, or 20 if there is an error.
20=4.472135955. OR 4.47.

HOMEWORK: Tell me what you know about squares.
Find out what you know about these squares: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Shenna's Sesame Street Video Post

Members: Shenna Fauni, Raelynn Llemit and Ivory Terry

Part 1
Two Term Ratio - compares two quantities measured in the same units
Three Term Ratio - compares three quantities measured in the same units.
Part to Part Ratios - compares different parts of a group to each other.
Part to WHole Ratios - compares on epart of a group to the whole group.
Examples - Red to Brown to Blue M&Ms is 3:4:3

Rate - compares two quantities measured in different units.
Unit Rate - a rate in which the second term is one.
Unit price - a unit rate used when shopping
Examples - 72 beats/min, $4.50/100g

Proportion - a relationship that says that two ratios or two rates are equal
Examples - 5/10=1/2, 2/3=6/9

Part 2
It may not be the exact video but it's just where we go the idea from.

Part 3
Shenna tells everyone the definition and examples while Ivory hold up the words and pictures, as for Raelynn, she's filming.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Suzie's Sesame Street Video Post

Part 1:


Suzie: Cookie Monster
Emily: Camera person and a person who doesn't know about rates.

Two-term ratio: Compares two quantities measured in the same units.
Three-term ratio: Compares three quantities measured in the same units.
Part to part ratio: Compares on part of a group to each other.
Part to whole ratio: Compares one part of a group to the whole group. It can be written as a fraction, a decimal or a percent.
Examples: 2:3, smart people: not so smart people, red:blue:white.

Rate: Compares two quantities measured in different units.
Unit rate: A rate in which the second term is one.
Unit price: A unit rate mostly used in shopping.
Examples: 600km/h, 2.25/box.

Proportion: A relationship that says two ratios or two rates are equal.
Examples: 2/4=1/2 , 3/6=1/2

Part 2: One of the original Cookie Monster videos.

Part 3: Rate cookie

Sandra's Sesame Street Video


Duyen: The store clerk

Leea: The camera person

Sandra (me): the customer trying to find the best value for the bears


Two term ratio: Compares two quantaties measured in the same units.

Three term ratio: Compares three quantaties measured in the same units.

Part to part ratio: Compares one part of a group to eachother.

Part to whole ratio: Compares one part of a group to a whole group.

Example of a ratio used in our video would be: 1 teddy bear:the total of stuffed animals, which would be a part to whole ratio.


Rate: Compares two quantaties measured in different units.

Unit rate: a rate in which the second term is one.

Unit price: a unit rate used when shopping.

Example of a rate used in our video would be: $1.50/stuffed animal, $4.00/stuffed animal which would be a unit price.

Proportional Reasoning

Proportion: a relationship that says that two ratios or two rates are equal.

Example of a proportion used in our video would be: figuring out which stuffed animal would be a better value using two rates.

Part one:
The original video is Banana sign, we changed our video allot so it is not exactly like the original, we didn't even use sign language in it, so we used the sesame street video as our inspiration. What happens in the video is that Samara is trying to tell Telly she wants a Banana in sign language, but Telly doesn't understand her until the end of the video.

Part two:
This is our Video that we made, we have two because the camera caught us off on the first video.

Leea's Sesame Street Video

Leea Kewall: Camera person
Duyen Chau: The shop representive
Sandra Freund: Customer

two-term ratio - comparing two quantities measured in the same units
three-term ratio- compares 3 quantities measured in the same units
part to part ratio- compares 1 part of a group to each other
part to whole- compares 1 part of a group to the whole group and can be written as a decimal, fraction or a percent
Example: 1 teddy bear : the total of stuffed animals

rate- compares 2 quantities measured in different units
unit rate- a rate in which the second term is one
unit price- a unit rate used when shopping
Example: $1.50/stuffed animal, $4.00/2 stuffed animals

proportion- a relationship that says that 2 ratios or 2 rates are equal

Part 1: Orignal Video: Banana Sign
Samara wants a banana, but Telly doesn't understand the sign language until the end of the video.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Julibella's Sesame Street Video Post.

Group Members: Julibella T. and Glenesse P.

Part 1:

two-term ratio - compares two quantities measured in the same units
three-term ratio - compares three quantities measured in the same units
part to part ratio - compares one part of a group to each other
part to whole - compares one part of a group to the whole group and can be written as a fraction, decimal or percent
Examples: boys to girls, 13:14, 1 slice to whole pizza, 2:8

rate - compares two quantities measured in different units
unit rate - a rate in which the second term is one
unit price - a unit rate used when shopping
Examples: 42 km/hr, $1.25/can

proportion - a relationship that says that two ratios or two rates are equal
Examples: 1/2 = 2/4, 1/3 = 2/6

Part 2: Wanna Buy An Eight Ernie?

Part 3: Do you want to buy a ratio?

Raelynn's Sesame Street Video

Ivory - Dorothy
Shenna - Elmo
Raelynn - Camera Person

Part 1
Two-Term ratio - Compares two quantities measured in the same units.
Three-Term ratio - Compares three quantities measured in the same units.
Part to Part ratio - Compares different parts of a group.
Part to Whole ratio - Compares one part of a group to the whole group.
Example: Chocolate chips to M&Ms in a cookie is 5:4

Rate - Compares two quantities in different units.
Unit Rate - A rate in which the second term is one.
Unit Price - A unit rate used when shopping.
Examples: 66.6km/1hr, 72 beats/min.

Proportional Reasoning:
Proportion - A relationship that says two ratios or two rates are equal.
Examples: 3/6=1/2, 2/3=6/9

Part 2: Original Video.

Part 3: Shenna tells everyone what Ivory is thinking.