Monday, January 31, 2011

Area of Rectangular and Triangular Prisim's

1. BxH/2



2. LxW


John's Final Percent Post

Percent means out of 100, A fractional percent is a percent that has part of a percent, for example, 1/2%, 0.55%, and 7.6%. All percents can be represented as a fraction or decimal. To find the percent of a number, you first write the percent as a fraction then divide the numerator by the denominator then multiply by 100. Percents can be used in equation like finding the discount of a price or adding or subtracting taxes.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hanin's Surface Area Scribe HWB 3 Q's

HWB 3 Questions

Page 54-55

These are the answers to the questions I chose. I will show my work in the end.

1. Finding the sum of all the areas of each face on a 3-D object is called surface area.

2. a) 220.6 cm

b) 451.2

3. a) 120 m

b) 140.1

Here is my work:

Cylinder Volume and Volume Problems

1) (question 12 from 7.3 in the textbook)


v=(3.14x1ox10) x40cm
v=314cm^2 X 40cm
v= 12560cm^3

Popcorn Lovers

v=(3.14x15x15) x20cm
v=706.5cm^2 x20cm

Martha should buy the Popcorn Lovers container
it has more.

2) (question 7 from &.4 in the textbook)

Metre convert to centimetre:

Volume of cylinder


v=(3.14x12.5x12.5) x100cm
v=490.625cm^2 x100cm
v= 49062.5cm^3

Volume of triangular prism

v=40x35/2 x140cm
v=700cm^2 x140cm


Homework Book Pages 52 - 55

Page 53



Page 54

2. a)

* If you can't read the picture (;
5 x 3.2 = 16
5 x 3.2 = 16
5 x 11.5 = 57.5
5 x 11.5 = 57.5
11.5 x 3.2 = 36.8
11.5 x 3.2 = 36.8
16 + 16+ 57.5 + 57.5 + 36.8 + 36.8 =220.6 cm2
TSA = 22o.6 cm2

Cylinder Volume and Volume Problems

v= b x h^1 /2 x h^2
v= 12 x 15 / 2 x 15
v = 1,350cm^3

My assumptions is that the volume of the cheese from the block is 1,350 cm^3

d/2 = o.5m^2


7.85m^3 - 5.85m^3 = 2.86^3 or 2.9m^3

The volume of the culvert is 2.9m^3

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Shane's Scribe Post

Questions Number 3 and 5

3.) Find the surface area of this right rectangular prism to the nearest tenth of a square centimetre 

Surface Area= 2(18.5)(13.5)+2(18.5)(5)+2(13.5)(5)
= 499.5+185+13 = 697.50 cm

5.) Calculate the surface area of this ramp in the shape of a right triangular prism. 

Surface Area= 2(1.4)(2.3)+(2.3+2.7+0.7)
Surface Area= 6.44+5.7 = 12.14 m

Cylinder Volume and Volume Problems 

r= d/2
r= 8/2
r= 4 m2

v= π x r x r x h
v= 3.14 x 4 x 4 x 10
v= 501.4 m3

v= l x w x h
v= 2 x 2 x 15
v= 60 m2
The volume of the rectangular prism is 60m.

r= d/2
r= 1/2
r= 0.5 m2

v= π x r x r x h
v= 3.14 x .5 x .5 x 15
v= 11.775 m3
The volume of the cylinder is 11.775 m3

= 48.225
The volume of concrete required for one culvert piece is 48.225 m3.

Ryan's Surface Area Post

Triangular Prism

first you need to find the numbers you need for the formula bxh/2

two triangles

Next is lxw



Rectangular Prism



Cylinder Volume and Volume Problems 7.3

r= d/2
r= 8m/2
r= 4m
v= r.r.π.h
v= 4m x 4m x 3.14 x 10
v= 502.4m^3
v= 502.4m3 / 2 = 252.2m3
v= 7.4

v= l.w.h
v=10cm x 16cm x 10cm
v= 1600cm3
v=5cm x 6cm x 10cmv=300cm3
v= 1600cm3 - 300cm3 = 1 300cm3

John's Final Percent Post

Chapter 4 Understanding Percent

4.1 Representing Percent
-Percent means out of 100
-Another name for hundred
Ex. 65 means out of 100 or 65/100 or 0.65

4.2 Fraction, Decimal, Percents
-Fraction, decimals, and percents can be used to represent numbers in various situations
-Percents can be written as fractions and as decimals
Ex. 1/2 = 50% or 0.50

4.3 Percent of a Number
-You can use mental math strategies such as halving, doubling, and dividing by ten to find the percents of some numbers
-To calculate the percents of a number, write the percents as a decimal then multiply by the number
Ex. 12 1/2 of 50 = o.125 x 50 = 6.25%

4.4 Combining Percents
-Percents can be combined by adding to solve problems. 5% + 7% = 12%
-To calculate the increase in a number
-You can add the combined percent amount to the original numbers
Ex. 12% of 100 = 0.12 x 100 = 12

My Percent Video:

Questions 15 and 16

Question 15:

a) If the edge length of a cube is doubled, find the ratio of the old surface area to the new surface area.
b) What happens if the edge length of a cube is tripled? Is there a pattern?

a) 1:4. Instead of thinking of it as a cube, I thought of it as a square. Let's say a side of a cube's side lengths were 6m and had an area of 36cm2. You multiply the side lengths by 2, which becomes 12, and find the new area which is 144. 144/36=4. So, the ratio is 1:4.

b) If the side length is tripled, the new ratio becomes 1:9. There is a pattern if you continue doing this. All of the lengths are prime numbers while the other numbers stay the same. For example, 1:4, 1:9, 1:16, 1:25. ( x 4=64)

Question 16:

Shelby wants to paint the walls and ceiling of a rectangular room. 1 liter of paint covers 9.5 m2.

a) What is the least amount of paint Shelby can buy to paint the room (subtract 5 m2

for the door and windows)?
b) How much will the paint cost, including the amount of tax charged in your region?

The height is 2.6m2, the length is 4.8m2, the width is 6.8m2. 1 liter of paint covers 9.5 m2.

a) L x W
2.6 x 4.8
2.6 x 4.8
2.6 x 6.8
2.6 x 6.8
6.8 x 4.8
6.8 x 4.8=
125.6 125.6-5= 120.6
120.6-65.28 (the ceiling paint has to be separated from the wall paint)= 55.32

Wall paint: 1 can 4L, 2 cans 1L.
Ceiling paint: 1 can 4L.

b) The cost will be 82.75 with 12% GST and PST.

Wall paint: 4L= $24.95
Ceiling paint: 4L=$32.95

12%= 8.87.
73.88+8.87= 87.75

Here is a video to help you with surface area:
Here is a website to help you:

Cylinder Volume and Volume Problems

a) (π x r x r) x h
(3.14 x 5 x 5)x 8
78.5 cm2 x 8cm

b) (π x r x r) x h
(3.14 x 11 x 11) x 11
379.94 x 11

c)(π x r x r) x h
(3.14 x 1.1 x 1.1) x 2.6
3.7994 x 2.6

d) (π x r x r) x h
(3.14 x 4.5 x 4.5) x 25
56.52 x 25

with inside diameter:
(π x r x r) x h
(3.14 x 4 x 4) x 40
50.24 x 40

with outside diameter:
(π x r x r) x h
(3.14 x 5 x 5) x 40
78.5 x 40

3140-2009.6= 1130.4

capacity of pipe 1130.4cm3

Derec`s Triangular Prism

Triangular Prism
-Five faces
-2 triangles, 3rectangles
-Formula L x W, B x H divided by 2

First you need to find the numbers you need the formula BxH/2

Two triangles

Next is LxW
TSA: 15+15+120+120+120=390

Derec`s Final Percent Video

Chapter 4 Understanding Percent

4.1 Representing Percent
-Percent means out of 100
-Another name for hundred
-65 means out of 100 or 65/100 or 0.65

4.2 Fraction, Decimal, Percents
-Fraction, decimals, and percents can be used to represent numbers in various situations
-Percents can be written as fractions and as decimals
Ex. 1/2 = 50% or 0.50

4.3 Percent of a Number
-You can use mental math strategies such as halving, doubling, and dividing by ten to find the percents of some numbers
-To calculate the percents of a number, write the percents as a decimal then multiply by the number
Ex. 12 1/2 of 50 = o.125 x 50
= 6.25%

4.4 Combining Percents
-Percents can be combined by adding to solve problems. 5% + 7% = 12%
-To calculate the increase in a number
-You can add the combined percent amount to the original numbers.
12% of 100= 0.12 x 100= 12

Angelo's Rectangular Prism

Rectangular Prism
-Six Faces
-Opposite sides are equal

Length x Width

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Jieram's Final Percent Post

Chapter 4 Understanding Percent

4.1 Representing Percent
-Percent means out of 100
-Another name for hundred
-65 means out of 100 or 65/100 or 0.65

4.2 Fraction, Decimal, Percents
-Fraction, decimals, and percents can be used to represent numbers in various situations
-Percents can be written as fractions and as decimals
Ex. 1/2 = 50% or 0.50

4.3 Percent of a Number
-You can use mental math strategies such as halving, doubling, and dividing by ten to find the percents of some numbers
-To calculate the percents of a number, write the percents as a decimal then multiply by the number
Ex. 12 1/2 of 50 = o.125 x 50
= 6.25%

4.4 Combining Percents
-Percents can be combined by adding to solve problems. 5% + 7% = 12%
-To calculate the increase in a number
-You can add the combined percent amount to the original numbers.

Emily's Final Percent Post

percent means out of 100
Another name for hundredths
65% means 65 out of 100

Fractional percent- a percent that includes a portion of percent

Eg. 7 3/8%, 4.5%

Fractions, decimals and percents can be used to represent numbers in various situations

Percent can be written a fraction and as a decimal

Eg. 1/2+=0.5

You can use mental math strategies such as halving, doubling and dividing by 10 to find the percent of a number

To calculate the percent of a number write the percent as a decimal and then multiply by the number

Eg. 12.5%of 5=0.125x50=6.25

Percents can be combined by adding to solve problems

My percent Video

Monday, January 24, 2011

Final Percent Post

Percent means out of 100, A fractional percent is a percent that has part of a percent, for example, 1/2%, 0.55%, and 7.6%. All percents can be represented as a fraction or decimal. To find the percent of a number, you first write the percent as a fraction then divide the numerator by the denominator then multiply by 100. Percents can be used in equation like finding the discount of a price or adding or subtracting taxes.

Angelo's Final Percent Post

Chapter 4 Understanding Percent

4.1 Representing Percent
-Percent means out of 100
-Another name for hundred
-65 means out of 100 or 65/100 or 0.65

4.2 Fraction, Decimal, Percents
-Fraction, decimals, and percents can be used to represent numbers in various situations
-Percents can be written as fractions and as decimals
Ex. 1/2 = 50% or 0.50

4.3 Percent of a Number
-You can use mental math strategies such as halving, doubling, and dividing by ten to find the percents of some numbers
-To calculate the percents of a number, write the percents as a decimal then multiply by the number
Ex. 12 1/2 of 50 = o.125 x 50
= 6.25%

4.4 Combining Percents
-Percents can be combined by adding to solve problems. 5% + 7% = 12%
-To calculate the increase in a number
-You can add the combined percent amount to the original numbers.
12% of 100= 0.12 x 100= 12

my percent post

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Leea's Percent Video


In this unit in math we have learned about percent. The meaning of percent is out of a 100 and percents are always out of 100. We also learned about representing percent, percents of a number, combining percents, factions, decimals, and percents. In this video I will be solving percent problems that we learned about in this unit.

If you don't understand here are some Links:

Monday, January 17, 2011

Final Percent Post

-means out of 100
-another name for hundredths

-65% means out of 100 or 65/100 or 0.65
-a percent that includes a portion of a percent, such as 1/2% , 0.42%, 7 3/8%, 125 3/4%, 4.5%

4.1: Representing Percents

-To represent a percent,you can shade squares on a grid of 100 squares called a hundred grid. One completely shaded grid represents 100%.

-To represent a percent greater than 100%, shade more than one grid.

-To represent a fractional percent between 0% and 1%,shade part of one square.

-To represent a fractional percent greater than 1%, shade squares from a hundred grid to show the whole number and part of one square from the grid to show the fraction.

4.2: Fractions,Decimals and Percents

-Fractions, decimals and percents can be used to represent numbers in various situations.

-Percents can be written as fractions and decimals.
1/2% = 0.5% 42 3/4% = 42.75%

4.3: Percent of a Number

-You can use mental math strategies such as halving, doubling, and dividing by ten to find the percents of some numbers.

-To calculate the percent of a number, write the percent as a decimal and then multiply the number.
12 1/2% of 50= 0.125 x 50

4.4: Combining Percents

-Percents can be combined by adding to solve problems.
5%+7% = 12%

-To calculate the increase in a number,

-You can add the combined percent amount to the original number
12% of 100= 0.12 x 100 =12
100+12= 112

-You can multiply the original number by a single percent greater than 100
112% of 100= 1.12 x 100
= 112

Final Percent Post

 - means out of 100
 - another name for hundredths
 - 65 % means 65 65 out of hundred or 65/100

Chapter 4.1 Representing Percents
 - you can represent a percent by using grids.
ex. If you have a 155% and you need to present it using grids, you have to have 2 100 grids to show it. One grid has 100 boxes which means a 100%, so you have to shade 1 whole grid and in the second grid, shade 55 boxes.

Chapter 4.2 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
 - you can convert or represent decimal, fraction and percent.
ex. 36% = 0.36 = 36/100 or 4/25

Chapter 4.3 Percent of a Number
 - you can find the percent of a number by writing the percent to decimal then multiply it to the number.
ex. 160% of $53.27 = 1.60 x 53.27 = $ 85.23

Chapter 4.4 Combining Percents
 - you can combine percent to another percent to solve problems. (5% + 7% = 12%)
ex. A girl bought a shoes that costs $150. Adding to this cost are the P.S.T. which is 7% and G.S.T. 5%. You may add the P.S.T and the G.S.T which is 12 % and the whole cost is 112%. Divide the 112% to hundred, 1.12, then multiply it to the cost of the shoe, $150 x 1.12 is equal to $168. This is the amount that you need to pay.

Here is the link to my Percent Scribe Post.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Final Percent Post

Chapter 4 is based on Percents, Represent Percents, Fractions Decimals and Percents, Percent of a number and Combining Percents.

4.1 : Representing Percents
- Percents are always out of 100.
- Percents are often shown using hundred grids.
- Another name for percents is hundredths.
For Example:
65% is 65 out of 100.

4.2 : Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
- Fractions, decimals, and percents can be used to represent numbers in a various situations.
- Percents can be written as decimals and as fractions. (They are reversible)
For Example:
50% = 0.50 = 1/2 or percent = decimal = fraction (order doesn't matter)

4.3 : Percent of a Number
- To calculate the percent of a number, turn the percent into a decimal by dividing by 100, then multiply the decimal by the number.
For Example :
12½% of 50 = 12½ ÷ 100 = 0.125
0.125 x 50 = 6.25

4.4 : Combining Percents
- Percents can be combined by adding to solve problems.
- Percent is used in stores for discounts and taxes.
For Example :
5% GST + 7% PST = 12% Taxes
$100 shoes + 12% taxes = $112
$100 ÷ 100 = $1 x 12 = $12.00
$100 + $12 = $112.00

What is a Percent?
A percent is a fraction always represented out of 100.

This is my percent video.

Here is a link to a website that may help you understand more about percentage.
This is an extra link for a percentage game.

Feel free to check out these percent posts.
Kevin Huynh (mine)

Final Percent Post

Percent means out of 100 and is another name for hundreths.
ex. 75% means 75 out of 100 or 75/100 or 0.65.

4.1 Representing Percents

-This section talks about how to represent percents in different ways like representing them on a hundred grid.
ex. to represent 50% on a hundred grid, you would shade in 50 units.

4.2 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

- Fractions, decimals, and percents can be used to represent numbers in various situations.
-Percents can be written as fractions and decimals.
ex. 15% = 15/100
= 0.15

4.3 Percent of a Number

-You can use mental math strategies such as halving, doubling, and dividing be ten to find the percents of some numbers.
-To calculate the percent of a number, write the percent as a decimal and then multiply the number.
ex. 25% of 50 = 0.25 x 50
= 12.5

4.4 Combining Percents
- Percents can be combined by adding to solve problems.
ex. 5% + 7% = 12%

- To calculate the increase of a number,

-You can add the combined percent amount to the original number.
ex. 12% of 100 = 0.12 x 100 = 12
100 + 12 = 112

-You can multiply the original number by a single percent greater than 100.
ex. 112% of 100 = 1.12 x 100
= 112

-Percents of percents can be used to determine amounts that result from consecutive percent increases of decreases.

Here's a link to my scribe post for this chapter.

Here's a link to a website that I found helpful about percents.

Julibella's Percent Review Video

Percent mean out of 100. A fractional percent is a percent that includes a portion of a percent, like 1/2%, 0.42%, 7 3/4%, or 4.5%. Percents can be written as fractions and as decimals. You can use mental math strategies such as halving, doubling, and dividing by ten to find the percents of some numbers. To calculate the percent of a number, write the percent as a decimal and then multiply by the number. Percents can be combined by adding to solve problems, like 5%+7%=12%.

Chelsea's Final Percent Post

What is a percent?

-means out of a hundred
- another name for hundredths
- 65% means 65 out of a hundred, 65/100 or 0.65

4. 1: Representing Percent

-you can represent a percent by shading in a hundred grid

For example: If you want to represent 130% on a hundred grid, you have to use 2 grids. Shade one full grid to represent 100%, then for the other one, shade in only 30% of it so that it will represent 130%.

4.2: Fractions, Decimals and Percents

-fractions, decimals and percents can be used to represent numbers in a lot of situations
-percents can be written as fractions and decimals

For example: 0.8% = 4/5%

4.3: Percent of a Number

-mental math strategies such as halving, doubling and dividing by 10 can be used to find the percentage of some numbers
-to calculate the percent of the number, write the percent as a decimal and then multiply the number

For example: 12 1/2% of 50 = 0.125 x 50 will equal 6.25

4.4: Combining Percents

-percents can be combined by adding to solve problems (e.g, 5% + 7% = 12%)
- when you want to calculate the increase in the number, you can add the combined percent amount to the original number

For example: 12% of 100 = 0.12 × 100 = 12
100 + 12 = 112

-You can multiply the original number by a single percent greater than 100

For example: 112% of 100 = 1.12 x 100 = 112

-Percents of percents can be used to determine amounts that result from consecutive percent increases or decreases

Here is my percent scribe post

If you are still have a bit of trouble with percents, here's a good website to go to.

My percent video:


Apparently, on the 4th question, the one dealing with which pair of shoes is a better deal, I got 'B' wrong.

Don't worry, the answer is still 'A', but for 'B', it's actually $80 - $32 which will equal $48.

Because, if it was $32, then 'B' would of been the correct answer. I'm very sorry for that mistake that I made in my video!

Final Percent Post

Chapter 4: Understanding Percent

1. Summarize

Percent: Means out of 100, another name for hundredths
Fractional Percent: A percent that includes a portion of a percent, such as 1/2%, 0.42%, 7 3/8%, 125 3/4%, and 4.5%.

4.1 Representing percents
-represent percent, shade squares on hundred grids, one complete shaded grid is 100%
-represent percent greater than 100%, shade more than one grid
-represent fractional percent between 0% and 1%, shade part of one square
-represent fractional percent greater than 1%, shade squares from hundred grid to show whole number and part of one square from grid to show fraction.

4.2 Fractions, Decimal, and Percents
-fractions, decimals, and percents can be used to represent number in various situations
-percents ca be written as fraction and decimals

4.3 Percent of a Number
-can use mental math strategies such as halving, doubling, and dividing by 10 to find the percents of some number
-to calculate the percent of a number, write percent as decimal and then multiply by the number
12 1/2 of 50 = 0.125x50 = 6.25

4.4 Combining Percents
-can be combined by adding to solve problems
Example:5% + 7%=12%
-to calculate increase in number
-can add the combined percent amount to original number
Example:12% of 100 = 0.12x100=12
-cam multiply original number by a single percent greater than 100
Example:112% of 100 = 1.12x100
= 112
-percents of percents can be used to determine amounts that result from consecutive percent increases or decreases

2. Percent Review Video

*Sorry it's over 5 minutes*

3. Link

4. Link and Video

Final Percent Post

In general percents are a way to represent numbers as a fraction out of one hundred. In this chapter we learn how to represent percents, how to write it as a decimal or fraction, how to find the percent of a number, and how to combine percents. Percents are essential to learn for it appears in our lives daily, like when we shop.

Representing percents:
Percents are used to represent numbers with a fraction out of 100. To show percent we used hundred grids, and filled them depending on the number we are representing. for example:

Fractions, Decimals, and Percents:
Percents can also be represented as fractions or decimals and can be used to represent numbers in different situations.

Percent of a number:
Using various mental math strategies, ratio tables, and changing the percent to a decimal and then multiply by the number you can find the percents of numbers.

Combing Percents:
Percents can be combined by adding to solve problems.

Here's a link to one of my older posts.
Also, a website I found useful.
And lastly, a video:

Trisha's Final Percent Post :)

My video :)

Percent is

Something out of a hundred.
You can turn percents to fractions and decimals
eg. 75% = 3/4 = 0.75.

Paulo's Percent Review Video

A percent means out of 100 and it also another name for hundreths
Ex. 75% means 75/100, 75 out of 100, or 0.75

4.1 Representing Percents
Representing percents means showing a percent as a picture in a hundred grid
Ex. 25% on a hundred grid, 25 squares of the grid would be shaded so its 25%

4.2 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents.
- Fractions, Decimals, and Percents can be used to represent numbers in various situations
- Percents can be written as a fraction and as decimal
Ex. 1/2% = 50%, 0.5% = 0.5/1000 = 0.005, 150% = 150/100 = 1.5, 42 3/4 = 42.75% = 42.75/100 = 0.4275

4.3 Percent of a number
- You can use mental math strategies such as halving, doubling, and dividing by ten to find the percent of same numbers
- To calculate the percent of a number, write the percent as a decimal then multiply by the numbers
Ex. 12 1/2% of 50, 0.125 x 50 = 6.25 (12 1/2% = 12.5% = 0.125)

4.4 Combining Percents
- Percent can be combined by adding to solve problems ; 5% + 7% = 12%
To calculate the increase in a number you can add the combined percent amount to the original number.
Ex. 12% of 100 = 0.12 x 100 = 12, 100 + 12 = 112
- You can multiply the original number by a single percent greater than 100
Ex. 112% of 100 = 1.12 x 100 = 112
- Percents of percents can be used to determine amounts that result from consecutive percent increases or decrease

Understanding Percents

* percents are cool and paulo is cool too :)

Anabelle's Percent Review Video

Percent is used as a way to express a number out of 100, and can also be written as a decimal or a fraction. Percents are essential to learn, for it is used in every day life. Like, shopping, and business.

Here's my video:

Final Percent Post

Percent means out of 100. Which is another name for hundredths. There are also Fractional Percents. they are percents that include a portion of a percent.
Example: 0.42%.

Representing Percent:
You can represent percent by drawing a picture or using a hundred grid.
Example: To represent 180% you would need two one-hundred grids. You would shade in the first one-hundred grid and shad 80 squares on the other one.

Fractions, Decimals and Percents:
Fractions, decimals and percents can be used to represent numbers in a lot of different situations. Percents can be written as fractions and decimals.
Example: 0.5% = 1/2%.

Percent of a number:
You can use mental math strategies such as halving, dividing and doubling ten to find the percent of some numbers. You can also calculate the percent of a number by writing the percent as a decimal and then multiply it by the number.
Example: 12 1/2% of 50 = 0.125 x 50
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| = 6.25

Combining Percents:
Percents can be combined by adding to solve problems. 5% + 7% = 12%
When you want to calculate an increase in a number, you can add the combined percent amount to the original number.
Example: 12% of 100 = 0.12 x 100 = 12.
|||||||||||100 + 12 = 112
You can multiply the original number by a single percent greater than 100.
Example: 112% of 100 = 1.12 x 100
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||= 112

Here is a good website to explain percents.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Shenna's Final Percent Post

Percent means out of 100. It can be written as decimals or fractions and it is another name for hundredths.
For example: 10% means 10/100 or 0.10.

4.1 Representing Percents
- Shade squares on a hundred grid to represent a percent. One fully shaded grid represents 100%
- Shade part of one square to represent a fractional percent less than 1%.
- Shade more than one  grid to represent a percent bigger than 100%
- Shade squares to represent the whole number and shade part of one square to represent the fraction.

4.2 Fractions, Decimals and Percents
- Percent can be written as decimals or fractions
- In different circumstances, numbers can be represented by decimals, fractions and percents.
For example: 2/5% = 0.4%     0.4% = 0.4/100 = 0.004

4.3 Percent of a Number
- To find the percents of some numbers, you can use mental math strategies such as halving, doubling and dividing by ten.
- Write the percent as a decimal and then multiply by the number to calculate the percent of a number.
For example: 15 1/2% of 60 = 0.155 X 60 = 9.30

4.4 Combining Percents
- To solve problems, percents can be combined by adding.   5% + 6% = 11%
- To determine amounts that results from consecutive percent increases or decreases, percents of percents can be used.
- To calculate the increase in a number, you can add the combined percent amount to the original number.
For example: 20% of 100 = 0.2X100 = 20         100+20=120
Or you can multiply the original number by a single percent greater than 100.
For example: 120% of 100 = 1.2X100=120

Here's my percent video.

Click HERE for the link to my percent scribe post.

Click HERE to learn more about percents.

How to Find Whole Number when Percent is Known