Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Jam 's Cylinder Area


  1. Interesting post Jam. I see you used the second method for solving this. It would have been nice to show for the other one too. I also think lateral area is only used for the rectangle of the cylinder.It should be total surface area (TSA) Also I think you made a few mistakes. I'm fairly sure 7 divided by 2 is 3.5. Be sure to check over your work. Other than those things, you did a very good job. The pictures were very well done, and detailed.

  2. Great post Jam. Your pictures were great and well explained, except for the labels of the cylinders. Also it was colorful, but there were some mistakes like the radius for 2.π.r.r you put the 15 which is diameter instead of radius which is 3.5cm.

  3. Best scribe post from you yet! You did an excellent job on explaining things, but next time make the font a little larger in picture 1 and 3.

  4. great post Jam. Your post was really well explained. Your post was very colorful but it was hard to see the labels of the cylinder and i think you forgot some (squared)cm in the work. Other than that, great job.
