Monday, March 21, 2011

John's Great Big Book of Integers

Chapter 1: Grade 7 Review of Integers
I only finish Grade 6. I don't know this stuff.
Chapter 2:Multiplying Integers

Chapter 3: Dividing Integers

Partative Division: How many groups of 2 are in 6? or How many 2's go into 6?

Quotative Division: sharing with groups

Multiplicative Inverse can help you solve 6/(-2) by switching the number around when checking the answer. Like this: the answer in 6/(-2) is -3 so you use multiplicative inverse to check if your answer is right.
6/(-3)= -3.

Sign Rule:

Even= When you have an even number of negative factors the product is POSITIVE.
Odd= When you have an odd number of negative factors the product is NEGATIVE.

6/2= +3 (it's positive because both factors are positive)
-6/(-2)= +3 (it's positive because there is an even number of negative factors)
(-6)/2= -3 (it's negative because there is an odd number of negative factors)
6/(-2)= -3 (it's negative because there is an odd number of negative factors)

Chapter 4: Order of Operations with Integers

BEDMAS [square brackets around division/multiplication]

eg. [(+5) x (-3)] + (-6) ÷ (+3)=
-15 +[(-6) ÷ (+3)]=
-15 + -2 = -17

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