Thursday, March 17, 2011

Kim's Term 2 Reflection

In Term 2, I learned about percent, surface, and volume. I didn’t really like doing percent because I didn’t get the right answer at times. I think that I did well in surface area. Out of the three, I liked volume the most because it had the simplest steps to find out the answers. In my opinion, I did well on finding the percent of a number using t-charts. In surface area, I think that I did well on showing how I figured out the TSA (total surface area) of a 3-D object. Something that I did well on in volume is using the formula to find out the volume of an object. I think that I struggled in percent the most. Sometimes I couldn’t figure out what number I would have to divide or multiply with when I was using a t-chart to find the percent of a number. I don’t think that I struggled too much in this term. I’ll do better in this term by trying to be brave enough to ask questions if I don’t understand something.

In Term 2, I learned how to use t-charts to find the percent of a number. I also learned how to use mental math to solve some math problems. In surface area, I learned that 3-D objects have a front, top, and side view. Some basic 3-D objects are cubes, rectangular prisms, triangular prisms, and cylinders. The sides of 3-D objects are called faces. I learned that to find the total surface area you would have to find the area of each face and add them together. To find the area of a rectangle/square, you would use the formula l (length) x w (width). To find the area of a triangle you would use bxh/2. (2 x pi x r x r) + (2 x r x pi x h) is the formula you would use to find the TSA of a cylinder.

In volume, I learned that any face of a rectangular prism can be considered the base. The base of a triangular prism would be a triangular face. A circular face would be the base of a cylinder. The height of a prism or cylinder would be the perpendicular distance between the two bases of a prism or cylinder. I learned that volume is the amount of space an object takes up and it is measured in cubic units. To find the volume of an object, you would have to multiply the area of the base by the height of the object. A difference between volume and surface area is that surface area is the outside of an object and volume is the whole object. Something that they have in common is that they both involve using 3-D objects. This is what I’ve learned and how I think I did in Term 2. Hopefully I will do well in Term 3.

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