Monday, March 7, 2011

Paul's Great Big Book Of Integers

Integer Grade 7 Review

In class we learned about ZERO PAIR.
ZERO PAIR is a pair of positive and negative numbers that if added equals to 0.

Here is some exercises you can do.

Find the Zero Pairs for the following integers :

-6 +10 19 -16 -11 +14 63

+6 -10 -19 +16 +11 -14 -63
If a number immediately doesn't have a positive or negative sign it is known as a positive integer.

Integeres in Grade 7

(+4) is the money you have.
(-4) is the money you owe.

The (Brackets) in integers are training wheels.
(+4)+(-4)=0 +4+-4 +4-4 4-4 - Pure Standard Form -6+2= -4 - - - - - - negative + + positive
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + - - - - + + + +
Removing the negative part of the zero pair.
Questions in Class


Here is a link abut Integers or Zero pairs.
Integers / Zero Pair

  • Great Big Book Of Integers Chapter 2
Multiplying Integers
(-3)(+8)- If nothing is between brackets it means multiply
3(+8)-multiply and standard form
(+8)+(+8)+(+8)-repeated addition

(+1)+(+1)+(+1)=3-repeated addition


2 Groups of -3
remove two groups of (-3)


2.(5)x(-2)= -10
3.(-4)x(2)= -8

  1. (+2) x (+3)=+6
  2. (+2) x (-3)=-6
  3. (-2) x (+3)=-6
  4. (-2) x (-3)=+6
Here is a link about multiplying integers.
Multiplying Integers

  • Great Big Book of Integers Chapter 3
Dividing Integers
How many groups of __ are in ___?
How many __'s go into __?

Partitive Division
Number Lines
6÷2=How many groups of 2 are in 6?

-6÷(-2)=How many groups of -2 are in -6?

Quotative Division
Sharing with groups
(-6)÷2=How many groups of 2 are in -6?

When both integers are the same you can use partative or quotative division
15÷3=5 or (-15)÷(-3)=5

The Multiplicative Inverse can help you solve
6÷(-2) by doing the question, and the quotient of the answer will be part of the question when -2 would have to be the answer.
6÷(-2)=-3 then replace (-2) by -3 to have a question that's 6÷(-3)=-2.

Sign Rule

The quotient of two integers with the same sign is positive when even amount (-) signs means positive.
The quotient of two integers with the different sign is negative when odd number of (-) sign means negative.

6÷2=3 positve because both have the same sign which is +
-6÷(-2)=3 positive because both have the same sign which is -
(-6)÷2=-3 negative because numbers have different sign which is +and-
6÷(-2)=-3 neg
ative because numbers have different sign which is +and-

Link about Partitive and Quotative Division
Partitive And Quotative Division

  • Great Big Book Of Integers Chapter 4
Order of Operations with Integers

BEDMAS- Brackets, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction

(+5) x (-3) + (-6) ÷ (+3)=
(+5) x (-3) + [(-6) ÷ (+3)]=
(+5) x (-3) + -2=
[(+5)x(-3)] + -2=
-10 + -2=
[-10 + -2]= -12

The Square Brackets I used are to separate that question and solve that problem before the others. The Order of Operation is solved using BEDMAS.

A link to exercise your Order of Operation skills.

Order of Operations (BEDMAS)

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