Thursday, March 10, 2011

Vincent's Great Big Book Of Integers

Chapter 1 Grade 7 Integer Review

Zero Pair-A pair of numbers where one number is postive and the other is negative and when added, they equal zero.


+6 -6 -10 +10 19 -19

-16 +16 -11 +11 +14 -14 63 -63

Integers from Grade 7

Positive (+) means you have
Negative (-) means you owe
( ) Brackets are like training wheels
Standard Form of Integers is +4-4
Pure Standard Form is 4-4

Chapter 2: Multiplying Integers
(+3)(+8)-If the brackers are touching, it means you have to multiply
(+8)+(+8)+(+8)-You can use repeated addition

Chapter 3: Dividing Integers

Partative Division-Dividing by groups
6 divided by 2

Quotative Division-Sharing with groups
-6 divided by 2

Multiplicative Inverse can help solve 6 divided by -2 because if you solve the question and find the answer, you just have to switch the quotient with whats being divided.

Sign Rule-If they have the same sign or an even number of signs, its positive

If there are two different signs or a odd number of signs, its negative

Chapter 4:Order of Operations with Integers
(+5) x (-3) + (-6) divided by (+3)
(+5) x (-3) + [(-6 divided by (+3)]
(+5) x (-3) + -2
[(+5) x (-3)] + -2
-15 + -2

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