Friday, March 25, 2011

Bj's Great Big Book Of Integers Chapter 4

Chapter 4:
Order of Operation

Chapter 4: Order of Operation

B.E.D.M.A.S. is used to do the order of operations for integers which stands for:


(+7) x (-2) + (-9) ÷ (+8) =
[(+7) x (-2)] + [(14) ÷ (+2)] =
(-14) + (+

Bj's Great Big Book Of Integers Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Dividing Integers:

Dividing Integers

The way of reading the dividing integers is:
- How many groups of __ are in __?
- How many __'s go into __?

Partitive Division - The making of groups or parts.

Quotative Division - Sharing with groups.

The quotient of the two integers with the same sign der of Operations with Integers

B.E.D.M.A.S. is used to do the order of operations for integers which stands for:


Ex.(+5) x (-3) + (-6) ÷ (+3) =+4

[(+5) x (-3)] + [(-6) ÷ (+3)] =+4

(-15) + (-2) = -17

Bj's Great Big Book Of Integers Chapter 2

Chapter 2:
Multiplying Integers.

In multiplying Integers you need to know the sign rule and how to multiply.

Sign Rule.

When you have an even number of negative factors, the product will be POSITIVE.
eg. (-4) x (-4) = +16

When you have an odd number of positive factors, the product will be NEGATIVE.
eg. (+5) x (-4) = -20

Ways of showing how to multiply integers:

Positive x Positive = Positive: (+2) x (+3) = +6 , (2) x (3) = 6 , (2) (3) = 6
2(3) = 6
2 groups of (+3)

Negative x Positive = Negative: (-2) x (+3), remove 2 groups of (+3)

Negative x Negative = Positive: (-2) x (-3), remove 2 groups of (-3)
Chapter 1: Grade 7 Integer Review:

Integers are "negative" and "positive" numbers. They can be represented as integer chips or on a number line. You get a "zero pair" when you have a negative and positive of the same number, example: -3 and +3 make 0.

Adding and subtracting integers:
(-3) + (+9) =
owe 3 have 9= +6

(+7) - (-9)
have 7 owe 9= 16

Chapter 2 multiplying integers:

Sign rules: When you have an even number of negative integers the answer is positive.
When you have an odd number of negative integers the answer is negative.

(3)x (7)= 21
3 groups of positive 7 the answer is positive 21
+++++++ +++++++ +++++++

(-4) x (+2)
remove 4 groups of positive 2
++ ++ ++ ++ = -- -- -- --
-- -- -- --

Chapter 3: Dividing Integers:

The way of reading the dividing integers is:
- How many groups of (a) are in (b)?
- How many (c)'s go into (d)?
÷ (+3) =3

Partitive Division - The making of groups or parts.
÷ (3)=
+++ +++ +++
3 groups of positive 3

Quotative Division - Sharing with groups.

The quotient of the two integers with the same sign is "Positive".
The quotient of the two integers with the different sign is

Chapter 4: Order of Operation

B.E.D.M.A.S. is used to do the order of operations for integers which stands for:


(+7) x (-2) + (-9) ÷ (+8) =
[(+7) x (-2)] + [(14) ÷ (+2)] =
(-14) + (+7)= -7

Albert's Term 2 Reflection

What I learned in term 2 is about volume, surface area, and percent. Volume is a measurement of 3 dimensional space and tell how large it is, we got to learn to find the cubic squares in shapes. The surface area is the surface of the 2 dimensional space, the shapes we learned to find the surface area is a triangular prism, rectangular prism, and cylinder. What we learned about percents is about how to convert a number into a percent then into a fraction and decimal.
What I find easy to do is doing the test because I learned about it before. What I struggle in is remembering the formula for finding the surface area of a triangle because I used the wrong formula. In the next term I will try to work harder and study for a test.

Bj's Great Big Book Of Integers Chapter 1

Chapter 1 : Great Book Of Integers Review

In integers, when adding both positive and negative with the same number they will cancel each other out making the answer a zero.

In Integers you can have zero pairs.

Zero pairs is when you have positive and negative number that is the same.
ex. (+9) + (9-) = 0

I prefer using standard form because its easier to answer and easy to understand.
ex. +9 + -1 = -10

Sign Rule:
If there is even number of positive the product will be POSITIVE
If there is a odd number the product will be NEGATIVE.

Ivorys term 2 Reflection

In term 2 we learned about percent,surface area and volume.
We learned how to find percents and represent them as fractions and decimals. We also learned to show percents on a 100 grid and how to use percent with tax prices.
We learned how to find the surface area of rectangular prisms, triangular prisms and cylinders. To help us we made nets and 3D shapes to help us find the surface area.
In volume we learned how to find the cubic squares in a shape.

I found it very easy to do all this, my tests were nearly perfect without studying but I never did any homework. In class I would help others to understand what they needed to do but I hardly did any textbook work. I didn’t do the blog, I didn’t scribe, I didn’t comment and even though I’m doing it now, don’t expect me to keep doing it.

Next term I’m probably not going to be any different with my work habits, but truthfully, I hardly know myself so maybe I will. Old habits die hard.

Ivorys Big book of Integers

Chapter 1: Grade 7 Integer Review:

Integers are are -negative- and +positive+ numbers. They can be represented as integer chips or on a number line. You get a zero pair when you have a negative and positive of the same number, example: -1 and +1 make 0.

Adding and subtracting integers:

you owe 3 and you pay back 7

you owe 3 and you owe 7

you have 3 and you owe 7

you have 3 and you have 7

you owe 3 and you have 7

Chapter 2: Multiplying integers:

Sign rule: when you have an even number of negative integers the product will be positive, odd will be negative.
When you know that, multiply the numbers

- = negative integer chip
+ = positive integer chip

2 groups of positive 3
+++ +++

2 groups of negative 3
--- ---

remove 2 groups of positive 3
+++ +++ = remove
--- ---

remove 2 groups of negative 3
+++ +++
--- --- = remove

Chapter 3: Dividing Integers:

Partitive division is when you find out how many groups of a number is in another number. It can be shown on a number line:

6 divided by 2=3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

-6 divided by (-2)=3
<____ <____ < ___
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0

Quotative division is sharing groups.

(-6) divided by 2=-3
/ \
--- ---

When both integers are the same you can use partitive or quotitive to get the answer.

Chapter 4: Order of operation with integers:

You can solve more complicated questions using order of operations. We use B.E.D.M.A.S. which stands for:
Square brackets are always done first. Using this order you can solve questions like this:

(+5)x(-3)+(-6) divided by (+3)=
[(+5)x(-3)]+[(-6) divided by (+3)]=

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ryan's Great Big Book Of Integers

Chapter 1:
Grade 7 Integer Review

Integers could be express using a number line or integer chips.
In integers, when adding both positive and negativewith the same number they will cancel each other out making the answer a zero.

eg. (+5) + (-5) or (-5) + 5

The brackets for the integers are like training wheels for making equations more understandable
but mostly we need to use standard form.

eg. (+6) + (-6) In standard form 6 -6

Chapter 2:
Multiplying Integers

The Sign Rule:

When you have an even number of negative factors, the product will be POSITIVE.
eg. (-4) x (-4) = +16

When you have an odd number of positive factors, the product will be NEGATIVE.
eg. (+5) x (-4) = -20

Ways of showing how to multiply integers:

Positive x Positive = Positive: (+2) x (+3) = +6 , (2) x (3) = 6 , (2) (3) = 6
2(3) = 6
2 groups of (+3)

Negative x Positive = Negative: (-2) x (+3), remove 2 groups of (+3)

Negative x Negative = Positive: (-2) x (-3), remove 2 groups of (-3)

Chapter 3:
Dividing Integers

The way of reading the dividing integers is:
- How many groups of __ are in __?
- How many __'s go into __?

Partitive Division - The making of groups or parts.

Quotative Division - Sharing with groups.

The quotient of the two integers with the same sign der of Operations with Integers

B.E.D.M.A.S. is used to do the order of operations for integers which stands for:


(+5) x (-3) + (-6) ÷ (+3) =

[(+5) x (-3)] + [(-6) ÷ (+3)] =

(-15) + (-2) = -17

Albert's Great Big Book of Integers

Chapter 1:
Grade 7 Integer Review

Integers could be express using a number line or integer chips.

In integers, when adding both positive and negative with the same number they will cancel each other out making the answer a zero.

eg. (+5) + (-5) or (-5) + 5

The brackets for the integers are like training wheels for making equations more understandable
but mostly we need to use standard form.

eg. (+6) + (-6) In standard form 6 -6

Chapter 2:
Multiplying Integers

The Sign Rule:

When you have an even number of negative factors, the product will be POSITIVE.
eg. (-4) x (-4) = +16

When you have an odd number of positive factors, the product will be NEGATIVE.
eg. (+5) x (-4) = -20

Ways of showing how to multiply integers:

Positive x Positive = Positive: (+2) x (+3) = +6 , (2) x (3) = 6 , (2) (3) = 6
2(3) = 6
2 groups of (+3)

Negative x Positive = Negative: (-2) x (+3), remove 2 groups of (+3)

Negative x Negative = Positive: (-2) x (-3), remove 2 groups of (-3)

Chapter 3:
Dividing Integers

The way of reading the dividing integers is:
- How many groups of __ are in __?
- How many __'s go into __?

Partitive Division - The making of groups or parts.

Quotative Division - Sharing with groups.

The quotient of the two integers with the same sign is Positive.
The quotient of the two integers with the same sign is Negative.

Chapter 4:
Order of Operations with Integers

B.E.D.M.A.S. is used to do the order of operations for integers which stands for:


(+5) x (-3) + (-6)
÷ (+3) =

(+5) x (-3)] + [(-6) ÷ (+3)] =

(-15) + (-2) = -17

Kayla's Great Big Book of Integers

Chapter 1:
grade 7 Integer Review

With integers, you have zero pairs.

zero pairs are when you have the same number of positive integers that you do negative, and they cancel themselves out.

ex. (+3) + (-3) = 0

There doesn't have to be brackets, but for beginners, it becomes useful when you have a longer equation to solve. Standard form is what people usually use.

+4 -4
4-4 <---that is standard form.


When you have an even number of negative factors, the product is always a POSITIVE.
When you have odd number of negative factors, the product is always a NEGATIVE.

Chapter 2:
Multiplying Integers

(+3) x (+8)

(+3) x (+3) <--- that means ' three groups of plus three'
+++ +++ +++ <--- three groups of plus three
(+1) + (+1) + (+1) =
3 x (+1) =

(+2) x (+3)
The 'x' means 'groups of.'

(-2) x (-3)
This means remove 2 groups of -3

1. (4) x (+2) = ++ ++ ++ ++
2. (5) x (-2) = -- -- -- -- --
3. (-4) x (2) = ---- ----
4. (-6) x (-1) = ++++++

Chapter 3:

Dividing Integers

Partitive Division: How many parts
ex. 15 ÷ (-3) = 5
There are 5 parts of 3 in 15.

Quotative Division: Sharing in groups
15 ÷ 3 = 5
There are 3 groups of 5 in 15.

When both integers are the same, you can use both Partitive or Quotative Division.
(+15) ÷ (+3)
(-15) ÷ (-3)

Chapter 4:
Order of Operations

When you use the order of operations, you use BEDMAS.

Brackets [and square brackets]

Square Brackets [ ], come first in the order of operations. If you see brackets in the equation, but there are also square brackets, do the square brackets first.

To solve this problem, you would use BEDMAS to get the answer.
(+5) x (-3) + (-6) ÷ (+3)=
(-15) + (-2)=
= -17

REMEMBER: two Negatives equal a Positive.

Sandra's Term 2 Reflection

Math term 2 reflection

This term in math we learned about Percent, Surface area, and Volume. We learned about representing percents by using hundred grids, fractions, decimals and percents, finding percent of a number and combining percents. I liked learning about percent, it’s a great skill to apply to real life situations, such as going shopping and finding tax of a price. I was pretty good at this unit, I improved on my quizzes from last term, although I didn’t do too well on my unit test. What I would like to work on is combining percents because it was a little hard for me, I think I should of did more textbook work too in that area.
The next unit we learned about was surface area. I understood this unit very well and I got 100% on all my quizzes including my unit test. This unit was certainly much more easier than the previous units, maybe because we didn’t do much problem solving and focused mainly on the formulas and diagrams. Overall, I really enjoyed this unit and I think I did exceptionally well.
The last unit we did was volume. Volume seemed to be even more easy than surface area at first, but when it came to the problem solving it required much more thinking. I loved volume, mostly because of the problems because I like to challenge my self to see if I am capable of solving them on my own, and relying on my brain. Allot of them I made mistakes on, but it was a great learning experience for me. I did really well on my tests and quizzes, which I am proud of. Again I really enjoyed this unit.
So that is what we learned about in term 2. I really improved this term, and I hope to improve further on in my math. I think that these units were pretty easy units and now I have to get myself prepared for the next ones that look more complicated such as fractions and integers, those units I struggled with last year but I hope I will do better now. We did blog work for term two, there was Final Percent post and video
Surface area of a Cylinder


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Angelo's Great Big Book of Integers

Chapter 1 Grade 7 Integer Review

Zero pair is when you added a positive and a negative number.
Ex. +6 + -6= 0

Standard Form +6-6

Integer Chips

Chapter 2 Multiplying Integers

Sign Rule
Even- When you have an even number of negative factors the product is POSITIVE
Ex. +5 + +5= +10

Odd- When you have an odd number of negative factors the product is NEGATIVE

Chapter 3 Dividing Integers

Partitive Division- When you divided it into a parts
Quotative Division- When your sharing group

Chapter 4 Order of Operations with Integers
To solve this problem:
(+7) x (-3) + (+4) ÷ (-5)
You Should use B.E.D.M.A.S to solve this problem

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Term 2 Reflection

This term was quite difficult for me, we have learned about Surface area, Percent, and Volume. On weekly test and quizzes i did fairly well. We also have leaned about representing percents by using hundred grids, fraction, decimals and percent. Finding percent of a number and also combining percent. I like converting fractions into a percent, because I like looking at percent in a different form. On to surface area, I understand doing surface area more than percent because I have found this unit very interesting and very easy at times. I done fairy well on my weekly test and quizzes. I also had trouble with some of the question from the homework book and the textbook during the unit when we were learning about volume.

My goals for next term. I will try to do better next term, by studying more for test and quizzes and completing all of my blog post. And I will also try to ask questions during class if I don't understand something. Lastly I have notice that asking question to your teacher and classmates can be very helpful.

Jieram's Term 2 Reflection

In term 2, I learned about Surface Area, Percents, and Volume. Compare to surface area and percents, I did better doing Volumes. It taught me how to find the Volume of a prism such as rectangular prism, triangular prism, and a cylinder.

In term 2, I did better on my quizzes and test, but I almost failed Math due to not doing any Blogs, not doing my homework and never participate in class.

Next term, I will try participating in class and do all of my blog work and homework. I will study hard for exams and listen to the teacher.

Derec's Term 2 Refelction

In Term 2 we learned about Volume , Surface area and Percent. in term 2 I learned how to find the Percent and how to find the Volume of a Triangular, Rectangular, and Cylinder prism. My favorite is Percent because it taught me how to find the percent. I think I did well on Volume. Volume is easy. My quizzes, test, and grades improve. Term 2 was fun for me.

Kim's Great Big Book Of Integers

Chapter 1: Grade 7 Integer Review

In Grade 7, I learned that integers were whole numbers that were positive and negative. They could be represented using integer chips and a number line.

Find zero pairs for the following integers.

-6 +6
+10 -10
19 -19
-16 +16
-11 +11
+14 -14
63 -63

Integers ala Grade 7

have 4 owe 4
(+4) + (-4) = 0

Brackets are training wheels.

Standard form:

+4 -4

4-4 <--- pure standard form


-3 - (-7) = +4

-3 - 7 = -10

3 - 7 = -4

3 + 7 = +10

-3 + 7 = +4

Chapter 2

Multiplying Integers

Sign Rule:
Even= when you have an even number of n
egative factors the product is POSITIVE.
Odd= when you have an odd number of negative factors the product is NEGATIVE.

(+2) x (+3) = +6
means 2 groups of (+3)

(+2) x (-3) = -6
means 2 groups of (-3)

(-2) x (+3) = -6
means remove 2 groups of (+3)

(-2) x (-3) = +6
means remove 2 groups of (-3)

Dividing Integers

How many groups of ___ are in ___?
How many __'s go into __?

Partative Division - making parts or groups

6 ÷ 2 = 3
How many groups of 2 are in 6?
How 2's go into 6?

-6 ÷ (-2) = 3
How many groups of (-2) are in -6?
How many (-2)'s go into -6?

Quotative Division - sharing with groups

(-6) ÷ 2 = -3
share groups

When both integers are the same you can use partative and quotative.
(+15) ÷ (+3) = (+5) or (-15) ÷ (-3) = (-5)

You can use multiplicative inverse to help solve 6 ÷ (-2) by finding the answer which is (-3) and switching it with (-2) making the question 6 ÷ (-3) and the answer would be (-2).

Order of Operations with Integers


Solve this question:
(+5) x (-3) + (-6) ÷ (+3) =

[(+5) x (-3)] + [(-6) ÷ (+3)] =
(-15) + (-2) =

Here's a link about integers.

Jieram's Great Big Book of Integers

Chapter 2
Grade 7 Integer Review

An Integer is what is more commonly known as a Whole Number. It may be positive, negative, or zero, but it must be whole. You can use Integers on a number line or using integer chips.

Integer Chips

If you're Subtracting something that isn't there use a Zero pair.

1) -4 - (-8) = +4
2) -7 - (-9) = +2
3) -3 - (-7) = +4

Number Line

Chapter 2

Multiplying Integers

Sign Rule
If the product of two integers with the same sign the answer would be Positive
Example: (+2) x (+5) = +10

If the product of two integers with the different sign the answer would be Negative
Example: (+2) x (-5) = -10

Chapter 3

Dividing Integers

Partitive Division is when you divide it into parts

Qoutative Division - Sharing with group

Chapter 4
Order of Operation with Integers

To solve problem like these:


(+5) x (-3) + (-6) ÷ (+3)=

You'll have to use BEDMAS
Brackets, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction

Jae Anne's Great Big Book of Integers

Grade 7 Integer Review

 Chapter 1Here are some exercise we did in class.

Zero Pair is when the same negative (-1) and a positive (+1) number are combined, the result is zero.
      example:  -6   +6        +10  -10       19 +19
                        -16  +16       -11   +11    +14  -14      63   -63
Brackets are training wheels.
     example:  (+4) + (-4) = 0
                       (have 4) + (owe 4) = 0
                       4 - 4  <== pure standard form

-6 +2 = -4
-6 -2 = -8
-6 +10 = +4

Here are the * questions.
When subtracting something isn't there use zero pair.

-3 - (-7) = 4


-3 -7 = -10

3 -7 = -4

3 +7 = 10


-3 +7 = 4

Chapter 2
Multiplying Integers

Sign Rule (negative signs)
Even = when you have an even number of negative factors the product is POSITIVE.
Odd = when you have an odd number of negative factors the product is NEGATIVE.

(+2) x (+3) = 6
2 grops of (+3)

(+2) x (-3) = -6
2 groups of (-3)

(-2) x (+3)= -6
remove 2 groups of (+3)

(-2) x (-3) = 6
remove 2 groups of (-3)

Dividing Integers

How many groups of __ are in __?
How many __'s go into __?

Partitive Division - making parts or group

6 ÷ 2 = 3

-6 ÷ (-2) = +3

Qoutative Division - sharing with groups

  (-6)    ÷       2       =
 share        group

When both integers are the same you can use partitive or qoutative division.
(+15) ÷ (3) = (+5) or 15 ÷ 3 = 5

Multiplicative Inverse can help solve 6 ÷ (-2) by finding the answer which is (-3) and switch it places with (-2) that makes 6 ÷ (-3) and the answer is (-2).

Sign Rule

When 2 integers have the same sign (+) ÷ (+) or (-) ÷ (-) the answer would be POSITIVE.
6 ÷ 2 = 3
-6 ÷ (-2) = +3
When 2 integers have different sign (+) ÷ (-) or (-) ÷ (+)the answer would be NEGATIVE.
(-6) ÷ 2 = -3
6 ÷ (-2) = -3

Order of Operations with Integers

(+5) x (-3) + (-6) ÷ (+3)

We can solve this problem by:
1) put brackets where you see multiplication and division happens
     [(+5) x (-3)] + [(-6) ÷ (+3)]
2) solve the ones in brackets
     (- 15) + (-2)
3) find the last answer

Here is a video about multiplying integers

Derec`s Great big Book of integers

Chapter 1 Grade 7 integer review A Zero pair is when you have a positive and a negative which when added creates 0

ex. (+8)+(-8) (+18)+(-18) (+22)+(-22)

Grade 7 Integers.

(+) Positive means you have.

(-) Negative means you owe.

() The brackets are like training wheels.

The standard form of intigers is +5-5.
The pure standard form is 5-5

Chapter 2 Multiplying Integers

If the brackets are touching, you have to multiply

ex. (+5)x(+4) or (+4)x(+5) <- Standard Form.

You can use repeated edition to solve/answer.

ex. (+4)+(+4)+(+4)+(+4) or (+8)+(+8)

(+3)x(+5) =(+15) or 3 groups of 5 is 15

If the first number is a negative,you need to multiply the two numbers and then you have to remove .

Chapter 3 Dividing Integers

(+10)/(+2), 10/2, how many 2 are in 10?, how many 3's go into 10?

Paratative Division is when you divide into a part

Chapter4 Order of Operations with integers
You can solve (+4)x(-2)+(-8)/(+2) byy using BEDMAS.
[(+4)x(-2)] + (-4)=(-12)

Bj's Term 2 Reflection

Term 2 Reflection
In term 2 we learned about prism,and volume. I like prism than volume cause prism is a lot of fun and easy. Prism taught me to measure shapes by breaking it down. Volume is kinda hard for me cause you need to find the formula so you can calculate it. Term 2 in math is fun for me I think I’m going to have more fun this term.

Kayla's Term 2 Reflection

In term 2, our class learned about percents, surface area, and volume. We did many things to help us learn and understand what to do, like doing textbook work and finishing homework in our math book.

In the beginning of the term, we learned how to Convert Fractions to Decimals. All you had to do was divide the Numerator by the Denominator. That was easy enough. Next, we learned how to Covert a Decimal to a Percent. That was easy, too. I had a fairly good understanding of what to do.

Getting the hang of Surface Area took more time. There were different shapes, and different formula's for each one. It was harder, but I still did it in the end. Volume was much easier. It was like surface area, but simpler.

In term 2, I commented on the blog a couple times, I never failed any of my tests and I always got at least 50% of it right. I learned from my mistakes, and I participated in class. Volume came very easily, and I think I did alright this term.

In term 3, I will try to post more on the blog, and I think I will comment more, as well. I will gather my materials, and try to remember everything that we are doing right now, so that I can do a fairly good job on the exams. I will try to be a better learner.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Great Big Book Of Interger

Grade 7 Integers Review

Chapter 1
Zero pair is a pair of number with a positive and negative sign whose sum is Zero.
Examples: -6+6 +10-10 19-19
-16+16 -11+11 +14-14 63-63

Brackets are training wheels
Examples :

Have +4 owe -4
(+4) - (+4)= 0

Standard Form
+4 + -4
+4 -4
4-4 Standard Form

Integer Chips

Multiplying Integers


(+2) x(+3)=+6
(2) (30=6 2(3)=6
Standard Form

Sign Rule

EVEN= when you have an even number of negative factors the product is POSITIVE
ODD= when you have an odd number of negative factors the product is NEGATIVE

Chapter 3 :Dividing Integers

Partitive Division: is finding the total number in a group.

Sign Rule for Division-
if the quotient of 2 integers with the same sign with an even amount of (-) signs then it equals positive, if the quotient of 2 integers with different signs then it equals negative.
