Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ryan's Great Big Book Of Integers

Chapter 1:
Grade 7 Integer Review

Integers could be express using a number line or integer chips.
In integers, when adding both positive and negativewith the same number they will cancel each other out making the answer a zero.

eg. (+5) + (-5) or (-5) + 5

The brackets for the integers are like training wheels for making equations more understandable
but mostly we need to use standard form.

eg. (+6) + (-6) In standard form 6 -6

Chapter 2:
Multiplying Integers

The Sign Rule:

When you have an even number of negative factors, the product will be POSITIVE.
eg. (-4) x (-4) = +16

When you have an odd number of positive factors, the product will be NEGATIVE.
eg. (+5) x (-4) = -20

Ways of showing how to multiply integers:

Positive x Positive = Positive: (+2) x (+3) = +6 , (2) x (3) = 6 , (2) (3) = 6
2(3) = 6
2 groups of (+3)

Negative x Positive = Negative: (-2) x (+3), remove 2 groups of (+3)

Negative x Negative = Positive: (-2) x (-3), remove 2 groups of (-3)

Chapter 3:
Dividing Integers

The way of reading the dividing integers is:
- How many groups of __ are in __?
- How many __'s go into __?

Partitive Division - The making of groups or parts.

Quotative Division - Sharing with groups.

The quotient of the two integers with the same sign der of Operations with Integers

B.E.D.M.A.S. is used to do the order of operations for integers which stands for:


(+5) x (-3) + (-6) ÷ (+3) =

[(+5) x (-3)] + [(-6) ÷ (+3)] =

(-15) + (-2) = -17

1 comment:

  1. Great post Ryan. The order of operations was a whole other chapter though. You've got all the important info and you described the questions very well.
